Monday, July 10, 2006


I have a cold. Runny nose, stuffed head, tight sinii, feverish. Don't expect me to post for a couple of days: I'm going be curled up under a doona feeling miserable.


Clem said...

Get well, get well soon...

elaine said...

*gives box of aloe vera tissues and pseudoephedrine*

x (from a distance. I had it last week and don't want it back)

sublime-ation said...

Colds and flu suck.
Hope it goes soon.

mskp said...



am i to understand that this dreaded affliction will prevent you from joining us this evening?

*bawls uncontrollably*

*recovers sufficiently to offer sympathy*

kick this thing in the arse, good sir! immediately!

did i say sympathy? i meant "a call to arms"...

richardwatts said...

You're all very kind. I'd offer you hugs, but I wouldn't want to infect any of you. Blah.

And sadly mskp, no trivia for me tonight. Hug crush for me, and give Jess & crew a cheery wave and a cheeky grin on my behalf!

Hmm, word verification is 'ozisl'. Ozzies L? L what? Replies on the back of an envelope, please.

Gemnastics said...

Heh. Sinii.

Tammiodo said...

oh you poor dear. Get better (but please don't come near!).

Samantha Regione said...

Get well wishes x